The Vineyards

Grown on a family-owned farm near Bayfield, Ontario, our vineyards benefit from nutrient-rich soil and a unique terroir.

The Vineyards at Cornerfield Wine Co. in Bayfield, Ontario

Growing With Care Since 2015

The love of agriculture runs deep for the Durand family, and everything we do is with the utmost care and attention to detail, including the growth and care of our 5 acre vineyard. In the well-turned soil of the old Durand farm, our vineyards are tended to and harvested by hand, serving as a traditional means of winemaking and also as means to keep our family close, and close to yours with each bottle we produce.

Planted in 2015, with two seasons of successful harvesting, our first bottling happens in the spring of 2019 in time for our Vineyards to open to the public, ready to welcome locals and tourists alike to enjoy our wine and the old family farm with us. 

Our Wine

  • "We tend to our vineyards personally, with every member of the family helping to maintain, grow, and harvest; ultimately producing beautiful wines."
    Carrie Durand, Retail Operations

Meet the family, share the history.

Whether you live in Bayfield, or you're visiting for the first time, come out to the winery, meet the Durand family, enjoy some wine and share in the beauty of Huron County.

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